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Cleveland Public Theatres production of ‘Ya Mama’ illustrates one woman’s hard climb up the mountain

WOW! That is the first word that comes to mind after witnessing Nina Domingue’s outstanding and stellar one woman performance of her epic Ya Mama! Now on stage at Cleveland Public Theatre.

Ya Mama! Began life as part of a Cleveland Public Theatre Big Box Series after which it was featured in the New York International Fringe Festival in 2011 from which it returned to Cleveland for CPT’s 2011-2012 season. This past June it went west to the Hollywood Fringe Festival and has returned to Cleveland as a full production with thoughtful direction by Nathan Henry.

The 75 minute one act play begins by Nina relating all of the things about motherhood that she was never taught. These “They don’t tell you about...” moments are what the play hinges on as Nina bears all about her hard scrabble life.

After Nina was born her mother suffered from undiagnosed Postpartum Psychosis that after six suicide attempts led eventually to her committing suicide by drinking drain cleaner when Nina was four years old. Nina and her sister, Aisha were then sent to live with various relatives around the country until finally returning to live with their father, Gregory who then married Betty. The stepmother eventually turns to psychological and physical abuse in order to “control” her charges. During this short yet intense trip through her hell and redemption Nina manages to effectively portray 25 distinct characters who were a part of her life.

In accompaniment high above the stage is percussionist and Foley Artist, Bill Ransom who carefully adds just enough background sound to bring the various scenes to life. The show is produced by CPT’s Executive Director, Raymond Bobgan with Scenic Design by Inda Blatch-Geib whose stage is best described as designed chaos. Monique Cuyler does and exemplary job on the lighting and sound design and Kenya Woods fine efforts as Choreographer and Movement Coach are evident throughout the production.

This is intense theater that may not be suitable for young children.

Think of Ya Mama! as an extended roller coaster as you live the highs and lows of Nina’s life. You witness her at the nadir as well as the peak of her tumultuous but fascinating life. It is probably the most gripping 75 minutes you will ever spend in a theater seat.

The Cleveland Public Theatre production of Ya Mama! Starring Nina Domingue will be on stage through October 27, 2018. The Gordon Square Theatre is located at 6415 Detroit Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio. Tickets may be purchased by calling (216) 631-2727 or by going online at

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Who is Mark Horning?

Over the course of my life I have worked a variety of jobs including newspapers, retail camera sales and photography. Eight years ago I embarked on yet another career as writer. This included articles concerning sports and cultural events in Cleveland, Ohio as well reviews of the many theatrical productions around town. These days are spent photographing professional dance groups, theater companies and various galas and festivals as well as attending various stage performances and posting reviews about them.  

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