Cleveland Public Theatre’s holiday show is a revealing fun filled hoot

If you are reading this you are too late. Cleveland Public Theatre’s “Tease The Season” is sold out for all of its show through Sunday, December 10, 2023. You may be able to call and be put on the waiting list but I would not hesitate to do this. It really is a fun show and worth the extra effort to see.
Billed as a “Holiday Burlesque Spectacular” it literally has something for everyone. It features the titled burlesque dancers (strippers) as well as improv, tap dancing, opera, male strippers (featuring not one but two stripping Santa Clauses), drag queens and more. With all of the g-strings and thongs on display I am surprised that they did not call it “Christmas Moon”. You will marvel at the ingenious way the holiday theme is incorporated into the various acts. Rudolph with her nose so bright makes an appeeling appearance as well as Suzy Snowflake shaking her snow globes. The show lasts a bit over two hours including a fifteen minute intermission.
Ken Schneck emcees all of the zaniness as the acts are shuffled on and off stage while elegantly dressed “retrievers” rescue all of the cast off garments. Highlights of the show include the opera soprano, the pint size dancing and stripping Santa Clause and the worlds tallest drag queen.
The cast consists of Agata Why, Bella Sin, Betty Abbdum, Heather & Lace, Hilde Haschenbetty, Holly Grail, Jared Jameson, Jessica Lewis, Lady J. Davenport, Lady Slay, Lakota Shekhar, Lola Loveletter, Onya Nurve, Pandora Fox, Poundcake, Rose Faluda, Ruby Rabbit, Veranda L’Ni and Worldbuilder Improv. Set and lighting designer is Bryan Mravec and Gabe Kirik. Cleveland Burlesque is the show’s producer.
The production really goes out of its way to be all inclusive with plus and plus plus size exotic dancers prancing around the stage as they do a slow strip tease. The final act of the evening is a tribute to famous fan dancer Sally Rand of 20s fame. Somehow it all works without being too disturbing. The difference is that these are professionals who have been doing this for quite some time. Their degree of stage presence and confidence is an inspiration to all.
The show is evenly paced with judicious separation of genres so that you are not overwhelmed by too much of one thing over and over. There is also a lot of humor throughout the show that is honestly laugh out loud funny including an ingenious use of rear mounted tassels.
While not your standard holiday fare of tinsel and holly this show takes the Christmas theme into a whole new direction with loads of laughs. It is indeed “a love letter to the holidays for anyone that is from a different culture, does not have family near or are in need of a little extra cheer”. It is a cozy bit of warmth that we all could use during these gray months. Strip On!
The Cleveland Public Theatre & Cleveland Burlesque production of “Tease The Season” will be on stage in the Gordon Square Theatre, 6415 Detroit Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio through December 10, 2023. For more information and to be put on the waiting list go to or call (216) 631-2727 ext. 501.