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Convergence-Contiuum’s ‘The Grown-up’ takes us on a short flight of wonder

Con-Con (convergence-continuum) being what it is never fails to fascinate. The small theater tucked away in Historic Tremont focuses on works designed to challenge the audience to think and contemplate. In fact their mission statement states, “convergence-contiuum has always produced theatre that expands human imagination and extends the conventional boundaries of language, structure, space and performance; to produce plays and experiences that challenge the accepted notions of what theatre is. In short they offer theatre as a mirror to society while asking “What is possible?” and for them anything is possible.

Their latest offering, Jordon Harrison’s “The Grown-Up” is a fantasy adventure that covers all the bases in this genre. It is a 90 minute microcosm exploration of life that takes the viewer on a wild ride. There is also a moral tale concerning living life to the fullest and without waste.

Ten year old Kai’s grandfather gives the lad a magical crystal door-knob. The power that this object wields enables the boy to travel through space and time in order to see future events in his and other’s lives. These trips of fantasy include meeting a pirate, being an award winning and much sought after writer of various television and movie scripts, realizing that he is gay (a common Con-Con theme), loosing his legs and being confined to a wheel chair at an assisted living facility, being rediscovered by his lost sister and seeing his grandfather as an adult as well as a cabin boy on a pirate ship where the crystal door-knob was an ornament on the female figurehead on the ship.

The story seems to skip along at it’s own pace and whim as the audience is in intimate contact with the actors due to the seating arrangement. The six person cast play a total of eighteen various roles and it is up to the viewers to sort out all the details in order to keep up with the fast moving stories.

As for the non-equity cast, they are actually quite good. Mike Frye is Kai during each stage of his life from eleven year old child to 23 year old author to middle age adventurer and finally an 80 year old legless invalid who is soon passing on. Logan Andrews is superb as Grandfather, First Mate, Barry and Emcee although the Grandfather accent was a bit much. David L. Munnell does a fine turn as Mr. See (the producer of Kai’s shows), Wedding Planner and Emcee as well as the keeper of mystical devices that he oversees (loved the jacket). Jack Matuszewski is Josef, Steven, Waiter and Miss McGinn and does a fine job in each role. Natalie Lambo is superb as Kai’s sister, Anna Bell and later Lane Heatherette. Katelyn Cornelius is convincing as Grandma, Rosie, Wedding Guest and Paula. The work is tightly Directed by Amy Bistok. Clyde Simon handles the Scenic and Projection Design which helps make sense of “the where.” with Sly Robakowski as Lighting Designer who manages to match the mood of ezch scene perfectly, Austin Hopson as Sound Designer and Amanda Rowe-Van-Allen doing costumes which are quite cool.

If you are a fan of Con-Con you will love this show. For first time attendees it may throw you off just a bit but not to worry, just enjoy the ride and don’t fret over the details. After all this is Con-Con whose purpose is to expand our way of looking at theater through the use of interesting language, structure, space and content. Bring your imagination and enjoy a dazzling 90 minute no-intermission trip of fantasy.

Convergence-Contiuum’s production of “The Grown-Up” will be on stage in the Liminis Theater located at 2438 Scranton Road in Historic Tremont, Ohio through Saturday, November 4, 2023. For more information and tickets go to or call (216) 687-0074.



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Who is Mark Horning?

Over the course of my life I have worked a variety of jobs including newspapers, retail camera sales and photography. Eight years ago I embarked on yet another career as writer. This included articles concerning sports and cultural events in Cleveland, Ohio as well reviews of the many theatrical productions around town. These days are spent photographing professional dance groups, theater companies and various galas and festivals as well as attending various stage performances and posting reviews about them.  

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